A list of Poster Presentaions by Hilal Bahia
1- Multicolour-fluorescent in-situ hybridisation (mFISH) of chromosomal aberrations in breast cancer. Leeds University Innovations Poster Presentation. H. Bahia. May 2000.
2- Multicolour-fluorescent in-situ hybridisation (mFISH) of chromosomal aberrations in breast cancer. 2nd European Breast Cancer Conference. Brussels, Belgium. H.Bahia, J.Ashman, J.Greenman, J.Monson. September 2000.
3- The effect of exercise and hyperbaric oxygen on the antioxidant defence mechanism and on nitric oxide availability in patients with intermittent claudication. A Abidia, G kuhan, H.Bahia, G Laden, J Greenman, PT McCollum. European Underwater and Baromedical Society. September 2000.
4- Multicolour-fluorescent in-situ hybridisation identifies karyotypic variation between independently cultured strains of breast cancer cell lines. MB Watson, H Bahia, JNE Ashman, MJ Lind, JRT Monson, P Drew, J Greenman, L Cawkwell. British Cancer research Meeting, Leeds, 2002- Prize awarded.
5- Variation between independently cultured strains of the MDA-MB 231 Breast cancer cell line identified by Multicolour-fluorescent in-situ hybridisation. M.B.Watson, H.Bahia, P.J.Drew, M.J.Lind, L.Cawkwell. Yorkshire Cancer Research Annual Scientific Meeting 2004, Manchester, June 2004.
6- Popper Burns – A traumatic consequence of alkyl nitrite abuse. J. Kean, M. Schaverien, H. Bahia. Poster at BAPRAS summer meeting, Sheffield July 2010.
7- Deliberate self harm by burning: the psychiatric and surgical profile of patients admitted to a Scottish regional burns unit from 2002 to 2010. Samantha Conlin, Joe Littlechild, Hosakere Aditya, Hilal Bahia. Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Liaison Psychiatry Conference. Dublin, Feb 2012.
8- Self Harm in Psychiatric Inpatients. Karen Mackintosh, Hosakere Aditya, and Hilal Bahia. Poster at Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Liaison Psychiatry Conference. Dublin, Feb 2012.
9- The psychiatric and surgical profile of patients who self harm by burning in a Scottish regional burns unit from 2002-2011. Mr J Littlechild, Miss S Conlin, Dr H Aditya, Mr H Bahia. BAPRAS Summer Meeting- Newcastle July 2012
10- Self-harming in Psychiatric Inpatients. Karen Mackintosh, Hosakere Aditya, and Hilal Bahia. Poster at ISBI meeting. Edinburgh Sept 2012.
11- Epidemiological data of patients who self harm by burning in a Scottish regional burns unit from 2002-2011. Samantha Conlin, Joe Littlechild, Hosakere Aditya, Hilal Bahia. Poster at ISBI meeting. Edinburgh Sept 2012.
12- Surgical and psychiatric profile of patients who self-harm by burning in a regional burn unit over an 11-year period. Samantha Conlin, Joseph Littlechild, Hosakere Aditya and Hilal Bahia. Scottish Medical Journal 2016.
13- Introduction of Nexobrid™ Enzymatic Debridement to a Regional Burns Unit. Dr Joanna Renée,; Elspeth Ewing; Lesley Cameron; Mr Hilal Bahia. Harrogate Pain Symposium. September 2017.
14- Use of Nexobrid in the Enzymatic Debridement of burns in a regional Burns Centre. Hilder K, Bahia H. ASIT Conference, Aberdeen, 2020.
15- Nexobrid Enzymatic Debridement; The New Gold Standard Treatment for Hand Burns. Nizar B, Bahia H. American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Meeting. San Francisco. Sept 2021.
16- Four Year Review of Enzymatic Debridement of Hand Burns. Robb L, Nizar B, Bahia H. Celtic Bapras meeting. Sept 2021.
17- The Livingston Nexobrid Pain Protocol – Further Experience in 80 Patients. ASiT Conference. Andrew Warwick, H Bahia, Liverpool. 03/03/23 – 05/03/23.
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